The Ultimate SGI Vacation Packing List
Today is the day! As I type this, we are on our way to St. George Island. We are super pumped and we are ready to have a big adventure week where we are going to check out new restaurants and activities that we’ve never done before.

Because we live in Denver, our trips are typically comprised of a plane ride followed by a drive in a rental car.

Most of the time when we stay at one of our vacation rental homes on St. George Island, we have Jonathan’s extended family, but this week it is just the five of us and our dog Izzy (with a couple of visits from the family). We’re staying at our beachfront home, Sea Dunes, and it’s gonna be a great week! This is Izzy’s first visit to St. George Island, and she’s excited to be off of the airplane!

I’m a big list maker so I thought I’d share our packing list for our trip to St. George Island. Please remember that this list is for me, Jonathan and our three kids (9-, 7- and 3-year olds).
Here is our list for this week:
Kids clothes:
Bathing suits
Flip flops
Beach items:
Beach blanket
Beach towels
Sunscreen (for adults)
Sunscreen (for kids)
Pool float for the 3-year old
Toiletries, etc.:
Kids shampoo
Specialty shampoo for me
Face wash
Contact solution
Contact case
Allergy medicine
Kids Benadryl
Kids Ibuprophen
Kids Tylenol
Dog items:
Travel bag for the airplane
Immunization record
Other items:
Car seat
Booster seat
Car seat travel bag
Golf clubs
Golf shoes
Travel items:
Kids’ DVD player
Kids’ tablets
Digital camera
Cell phone chargers
Car adapter for chargers
Tablet chargers
Graham cracker sticks
Chips Ahoy cookies (travel pack)
Dry cereal for breakfast
Do you have anything to add to our list? Please share it in the comments section below and help our future travelers! We’re looking forward to telling you about our great week, so make sure you check back for our upcoming blogs.