St. George Island Lighthouse - A Must See!
Like I said last time, a visit to the lighthouse is a must stop on your St. George Island vacation. In our last blog, I really focused on the museum and the history of the lighthouse. If you missed it, you can check it out here.
I also highly suggest you check out this 7.5 minute video that discusses more of the history of the lighthouse. It was actually produced by my sister for the Florida Channel!
After we spent our time exploring the museum, we decided to head up to the top of the lighthouse. We paid our $5 at the door, and headed up the spiral staircase (there are total of 92 steps, so get ready to climb!). I was amazed the wood treads of the spiral staircase.

There are 22,000 bricks from the original lighthouse that were used to construct the lighthouse. When you walk those stairs, always remember the volunteers that spent so much times cleaning those bricks! You can just feel the history as you’re walk up the staircase.

Once you’ve climbed the stairs, there is small iron ladder that you must climb to enter the lantern room. As you can see, it’s a pretty tight fit!

In my opinion, the best part of visiting the lighthouse is seeing the views of St. George Island on a clear day. There is nothing like seeing our beautiful island from its highest point.

There are 360 degree views of the island and you need to spend time taking it all in. It’s worth it!

The next time you visit St. George Island make sure you visit the lighthouse. Even better…visit the Full Moon climb. The next Full Moon climb is March 31. This month’s Full Moon climb happens during the blue moon and light refreshments are served. Make sure you check out the Events Page for more details!

Have you visited the St. George Island lighthouse? Tell us about it in the comments below.